Classical Israel Tour Package, 6 Days

Classical Israel Tour Package, 6 DaysWith this 6 day tour package you’ll see Israel’s classic gems including natural wonders like the Dead Sea, Christian landmarks like the Holy Sepulchre Church and Jewish sites like the Western Wall. Visit the Galilee, Golan, Jesus’ birthplace in Bethlehem, the cliff-top fortress of Masada in the Judean Desert and Jericho. Take an in-depth tour of Jerusalem including the Mt. of Olives and take a walk through the Old City. Tour Schedule Tour on Map.

Christian Israel and Petra Tour 12 Days


This 12 day tour package focuses on Biblical sites and Christian landmarks. Visit Nazareth Jesus’ hometown; the Galilee and see the River Jordan where Jesus was baptized. Retrace Jesus’ footsteps through Jerusalem, walk the Via Dolorosa and visit the Holy Sepulchre. Also visit iconic landmarks like the Dead Sea and Masada. This tour includes a trip to the UNESCO-listed Petra in Jordan, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.  


Jerusalem In the Footsteps of Jesus Tour


We follow in the footsteps of Jesus on the Mount of Olives visiting the Church of the Ascension where Christ ascended to heaven and the nearby Church of the Pater Noster, where Christ taught his disciples the Lord’s Prayer. See the Dominus Flevit, the place Jesus looked out over Jerusalem and wept as he foresaw its destruction. We visit the Church of all Nations and adjacent Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus was arrested on the eve of his crucifixion. We view the Pools of Bethesda then go into the Old City where we stop at the Church of Saint Anne plus the Convent of the Sisters of Zion. From here we walk the Via Dolorosa as Jesus did carrying his cross towards his crucifixion on Calvary.

Nazareth and Sea of Galilee Private Tour

This is a private tour to Nazareth and the Galilee region. Start with your personal guide in Nazareth at the Church of the Annunciation, the Church of St. Joseph and the carpentry store. Continue through to the Greek Orthodox Church and the adjoining well, and then to the Greek Catholic church. A short drive away is the Mount of Precipitation, where you can enjoy panoramic views over the Jezreel valley. Continue on to Cana, where Jesus performed the miracle of turning water into wine.
Descend to the Sea of Galilee and take a boat ride there, imagining how Jesus walked on water. Then visit the many sites of interest including, the Capernaum, the Benedictine Church, Mensa Christi, Mount of Beatitudes, and finally Yardenit where you can be baptized in the Yarden River. If time permits on your private tour, ascend Mount Tabor, see the remains of Bethsaida and Megiddo
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Jerusalem & Bethlehem Private Tour

This private tour of Jerusalem and Bethlehem from Haifa Port shows your two ancient cities, both loaded with cultural and historical significance.  Stand at the Mount of Olives and gaze at the Dome of the Rock, before walking through the Old City’s four distinct quarters, one by one. Visit the Western Wall, a true open-air synagogue, and then retrace the last steps of Jesus on the Via Dolorosa, before entering the sacred Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the spot where he was first crucified and then buried.  Drink coffee, purchase spices and haggle for souvenirs in the lively Muslim bazaar then journey onto Bethlehem, birthplace of Jesus. Step inside the Church of the Nativity, explore the Milk Grotto and perhaps visit one of the other churches in the locale. This tour is perfect for those who want a taste of history and religion, with stunning sites thrown in for good measure.   

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